Yae Mikos Surprising Encounter in Genshin Impact

Description: Genshin Impact is a popular anime-style RPG game that has gained massive popularity over the past few years. It tells the story of seven brave Tani'a warriors who embark on a journey to save the world from ruin. One of these warriors, Yae Miko, is a fierce fighter with an affinity for martial arts and weapons. However, she also possesses a playful side that comes out when she interacts with other characters in-game. In this adult parody, we imagine what might happen if Yae Miko were to encounter a sinister plot aimed at taking over Tani'a during her training sessions. What follows is an erotic tale of peril and passion as she gets drilled from behind by a mysterious intruder intent on corrupting the purest soul in Tani'a.
Starring:YM Yae Miko