Will She Join? Engaging Title for Music Website

Megan DawMegan Daw LuvvBunnyxo
Hey there, my name is Alex. I'm a self-taught video director from New York City. When I started making videos back in college, I didn't know what I was doing. My videos were bad - really bad. They lacked the story, the emotion, and the magic that draws people to watch them. I learned that the best way to make a great video is by telling a meaningful story. A story that moves you, inspires you, makes you laugh or cry, and most of all, changes you in some small but important way. That's what videos can do - they can change minds, change attitudes, change hearts. And that's why I'm passionate about making movies, especially when it comes to love stories. So if you're here reading this description, thank you! You've found a video maker who loves telling stories with his camera, and he'd love nothing more than for you to watch his newest film - Maybe She'll Play.