_OPENING_Scene_, _A_delightful _evening_ at _home_. The _scent_ of a savory _roast_ wafts through the _air_, _tickling_ the _noses_ of our _four_ beautiful _heroes_. _Excitement_ is in the _air_ as they _prepare_ for an _unforgettable_ night. _Suddenly_, a _knock_ at the _door_. It's _time_ for their special _guest_ to arrive. _She_ walks in, _clad_ in a _tantalizing_ red _dress_ and _stockings_, her _curves_ accentuated by the _low-cut_ neckline. _The_ room is _charged_ with _anticipation_. _The_ stage is _set_ for an _unforgettable_ '_Spitroast FFFM with Orgasm and Stockings_'_ experience. _Let's_ dive in, shall we?_