Teen Girls Dungeon Journey Overcome Fears & Level Up

Description: As a fan of Asian beauty and culture, I decided to dive into the world of J-Drama by watching a few episodes of the Japanese series 'Darling in the Franxx'. It quickly became one of my favorite shows, thanks in part to the charismatic lead actors Elise Lee (레이지) and Sakura Yoshinaga (吉永 沙瑠羅). I was particularly drawn to Elise's role as Hana, a young girl with a fiery determination to become a dungeon master despite her small stature. Her unwavering passion for the game and her quirky personality made her an endearing character, and it was only natural that I would want to learn more about this talented actress who played such a pivotal role in my newfound love of J-Drama.
Starring:EL Elise Lee
Studio: Peeping Thom